Why Are My Lip Injections Lumpy? - A Guide to Understanding and Treating Lip Filler Lumps

Lip filler lumps are small bumps that can form after receiving lip filler injections. These lumps can be caused by the filling itself or by an inflammatory response to the filling. Swelling and bruising caused by the injections themselves are two of the most common causes of lumps after a filler treatment. Fortunately, these lumps should naturally disappear within the first week.

To help prevent lumps from forming after your lip filler injection, it is important to take all possible measures to avoid causing them. This includes using the right injection technique and having an in-depth understanding of the anatomy of the lips and aesthetics of the lower face. Swelling and some lumps are normal for a few days up to one to two weeks after injecting the filler into the lips. If you notice lumps (rather than swelling), contact VIVA as soon as possible.

It is also important to avoid touching your lips, as this could make them worse and make them more swollen. Reports of significant pain or change in skin color beyond the pain and redness or bruising typical of the injection should also be taken seriously. The good news is that yes, those annoying lumps of filling will go away. It's actually quite rare for patients to experience irritation or lumps after the procedure, but if you do, you should expect them to dissipate after a few days.

At most, it can take 2 to 3 weeks to completely relieve them with limited downtime. I teach a “10 second rule”, in which choosing the injection site, performing the injection and deciding if you need to make modifications, takes a total of 10 seconds at most. This helps ensure that lip filler injections are done correctly and with precision, reducing the risk of developing lumps. In conclusion, lip filler lumps are small bumps that can form after receiving lip filler injections. To help prevent lumps from forming after your lip filler injection, it is important to take all possible measures to avoid causing them.