Do Lip Injections Damage Lips? An Expert's Perspective

Lip injections are a popular cosmetic procedure that can help you achieve fuller, more voluminous lips. But do lip injections damage lips? The answer is no, they are generally safe and the risk of complications or side effects is low. However, there are some risks to consider before getting lip injections. The most common side effect of lip injections is mild bruising and swelling.

This usually subsides within a few days after the procedure. Redness may also appear near and around the mouth where the doctor injected the dermal fillers, but this should also reduce in a few days. If you experience severe prolonged redness, swelling, or bruising, contact your healthcare provider right away. Using too much lip filler product can permanently stretch the skin on the lips.

Fortunately, most of the possible side effects of lip injections can be reversed with an enzyme called hyaluronidase. The most common drawback of lip injections is overfilling, which gives an artificial look that many people don't want. In addition to standard fillers that last six to nine months, there are also more permanent options such as silicone. However, these permanent options can cause serious side effects and even ruin lips permanently.

Infection is also a risk, but very small. Lip fillers are not suitable for everyone. For those with very thin lips, they can make a big difference, but the more you inject, the more unnatural firmness the lips have. When someone has lips that are already full, but need a little shaping, small amounts of filler can look great.

It's important to find an experienced and certified physician who can advise you on how much filler should be injected and how often you should return for treatments. Lip injections do not harm the lips as long as the right amount of filler is used and injected correctly. Enhanced lips can make your lips thicker and fuller, but it will still be you when you leave the doctor's office. The risk of causing damage to the lip comes from removing or trying to reverse the more permanent options for thicker lips.

Dr. Dugar injects 100% soluble and reversible hyaluronic acid into the lips, which is found naturally in the body since it is naturally produced biologically. The amount of substance injected can be controlled so that the doctor has better control over the amount of lip volume that is created. For those looking for elegant, natural-looking lip enhancement, lip fillers offer a variety of benefits.

Dugar numbs his patients' lips with a local topical cream so they hardly feel anything when he uses small thin needles on their lips. In conclusion, lip injections are generally safe and have a low risk of side effects when done correctly by an experienced and certified physician.