The Ultimate Guide to Lip Injections: What You Need to Know

Lip injections are a popular way to enhance the appearance of your lips, giving them a fuller, more voluminous look. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are the safest form of lip fillers and provide the most remarkable results. Juvéderm and Restylane are two leading brands of HA fillers among plastic surgeons, offering very similar benefits. When considering lip injections, it's important to consult a board-certified professional, such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, who has a lot of experience with lip injections.

Ask to see before and after pictures of what the doctor has done in the past, and also look at the faces of the staff. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body that helps increase lip volume. Lip fillers are injections that add volume to the lips and are a type of dermal filler. HA fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a substance that the body naturally produces.

HA fillers can add volume to lips and improve their shape and structure. Restylane and Juvederm are among the best-known HA lip fillers on the market. Rabach says the most commonly used fillers for lips are Juvéderm, Juvéderm Ultra, Juvéderm Ultra Plus, Juvéderm Volbella, Restylane and Restylane Silk. Idriss prefers to use Restylane to reshape and redefine the lip edge or “scaffold” that fades over time. And in younger patients with thinner lips, he likes to use Juvéderm Volbella to give volume and strength. Before the appointment for the injection into the lips, make sure to avoid blood thinners.

Thinner blood will make the area more prone to bruising and bleeding, so stop taking pain relievers 10 days before (e.g. And anyone who has a history of cold sores should take their preventive medication two days before the procedure, as it could trigger an outbreak. All you want to say, when choosing your doctor, consider your aesthetics as an important part of the decision. An easy way to find out what you want? Check your dermatologist's Instagram or website for examples of their work. Once numb, you'll feel a little prick, slight pressure, and a dull type of throbbing sensation, but it shouldn't be too intense if you're numb. To avoid a failed job, only consult a board-certified professional who has a lot of experience with lip injections. Your provider may not recommend lip injections if you have allergies or sensitivity to lidocaine or hyaluronic acid.

Keeping ice on the lips before injections also helps numb the area and potentially helps with bruising and swelling. After carefully marking the areas to be injected, very fine needles are used to inject the substance into the lips. Enhanced lips can make your lips thicker and fuller, but it will still be you when you leave the doctor's office. Injectable lip augmentation techniques can be performed quickly in your doctor's office with little or no downtime. Since the lip area is much smaller compared to other injection areas, the duration is likely to fall on the shorter side of this scale. It is best to wait to eat until the topical anesthetic injection or nerve block has disappeared so as not to accidentally bite your lips or alter the filling. Over time, fat injections will improve the appearance of your lips and make them more attractive in terms of structure and fullness. For either product, avoid strenuous activities, alcohol, and exposure to the sun or sunbeds for at least 24 hours after the injection into the lips to help prevent side effects. Depending on the type of look you're trying to achieve, there will be a series of small injections along the vermilion border, Cupid's bow and inside the lips. The amount of substance injected can be controlled, so the doctor has better control over how much lip volume is desired. As for how long lip fillers last, Dr.

Rabach says that depends on the amount the patient receives, their metabolism, the desired volume and the product used, but you can usually wait between six months and three years on average. Seriously though, this is one of those things where your mileage really varies. Some may need to have their fillers removed after six months, and others may be OK longer. Despite what you may think, your lips won't turn into saggy, deflated skin bags after the filler dissolves. Idriss says that injecting the lips indirectly stimulates collagen production when the needle punctures the skin, so the lips may remain a little larger after injections. But now that cosmetic injections are at an all-time high (the Zoom effect is very real people) and everyone and their mother seem to be trying out filler I've started to stick to getting fuller plumper lips. Many types of dermal fillers can be injected into the lips and around the mouth to give you a boost. The most common fillers today are products that contain hyaluronic acid - a gel-like substance found naturally in skin that retains water and fills tissues. Filler can replace hyaluronic acid which patients lose over time due to aging or add more volume in areas that lack natural fullness. Rabach says each person's lips should be examined for symmetry and overall shape so that filler can be placed accordingly.

In other words don't expect to walk away with drastically different lips after a consultation if you still want them to look natural.